Cool projects I've worked on

Here are some projects I’ve worked on, in no particular order (or rather, a particularly arbitrary order based on how much I feel each project is “important”… does that make sense?). Most projects link to wherever the project/product is hosted (repository, website, etc.).

  1. ongoing

    SDE at Amazon

    Working as an SDE at Amazon Spain.
    From developing better UX for search users, to many internal tools to improve branded queries, and beyond.
  2. unmaintained


    Ruby interpreter for the Retina programming language.
    Developed a simple interpreter for a (mock) language for procedural drawing.
  3. finished

    Find Bot Tweets

    Hadoop MapReduce for Finding Tweets from bot accounts.
    Developed a two-phases algorithm to reduce a similarity graph of tweets from a dataset to the tweets most likely to be from bot accounts.
  4. unmaintained


    Ruby interpreter for the Retina programming language.
    Developed a simple interpreter for a (mock) language for procedural drawing.
  5. finished


    Organizational tool for the Academic Records Office.
    Developed with team (notice me) "Zenpy" as part of Software Engineering course in the USB.
  6. alpha


    A Programming Language to tell Stories.
    Developing an open source compiler for the general-purpose programming language Sutori.
  7. ongoing

    This site

    My personal site/blog/space.
    Developed a simple ever-changing website for my own writings, showcase my projects and serve as an online portfolio. It has changed implementations a few times; currently it's built using a haskell static-site generator (Hakyll).
  8. ongoing

    Vim Dotfiles

    Vim dotfiles for a great coding experience.