Apolo: Firefighters Support System
Apolo, how we called it, is a software system made as part of our Information Systems course in the Universidad Simón Bolívar. I led a team of eight (8) in charge of the “Operations” module for the CBVUSB (Volunteer Fire Corps of the USB) Support System.
Our team had to communicate with the Client (part of the CBVUSB) and keep in sync with the “Human Resources” team, as both modules would be the initial columns for the system. Both teams as one followed the RUP methodology, with all its formal documents, diagrams and the like, to provide a solid ground for long-term maintainability. At each third of the way, a small demo presentation was made to show invited people the development process.
The Operations Module
It provides a simple interface for keeping a record of every activity regarding the main station. The corps follow strict schedules and protocols regarding the services they provide. The module is to keep a digital record of such procedures and be able to check, among other things, that they have been followed to the letter.
The whole module was to be planned (following RUP methodology), and a single submodule developed. The rest would be developed by other teams in next courses iterations (Information Systems II, and III, for those who take it).
Records Book, Shifts and Services
The Records Book submodule keeps a digitalized version of a real book the fire corps keep of everything that happens at the station: Who enters, who leaves, the inventory, the commissions formed and gone to serve. It follows a strict set of rules the system must take into account, besides regular consistency checks.
The Shifts submodule provides an interface for managing service hours of each volunteer, the fixed shifts, the owed hours and the special shifts. Everything follows the corps protocols, as required.
The Services submodule keeps records of every service the corps have attended: From wood fires to missing pets and injured people. They register the involved volunteers and their vehicles, the victims if any and their medical examination. They need all this information validated by the chief Firefighter at the service, and in paper, for legal purposes.
The Firefighters Corps at USB are an incredibly prepared team of people (students, professors and anything in between). They follow strict rules and protocols to the letter, spend a long time preparing to be a volunteer there, and they keep on training and preparing in different skills, like first-aid and hazardous goods.