sutori-0.2.4: Sutori language compiler

Safe HaskellNone






lexerScanClean :: SutMonad SutToken Source #

Scans for next token, but passes it though checks first

runLexer :: Options -> String -> SutMonad a -> Either (SutError, SutLog) ((a, SutState), SutLogger) Source #

Run the lexer on a given input string, with a given monadic action

runLexer' :: String -> SutMonad a -> Either (SutError, SutLog) ((a, SutState), SutLogger) Source #

Run the lexer with no options (default options)

runLexerScan :: Options -> String -> Either (SutError, SutLog) (([SutToken], SutState), SutLogger) Source #

Run the lexer on a given string, get the resulting tokens

lexwrap :: (SutToken -> SutMonad a) -> SutMonad a Source #

Run the lexer, but receive a continuation (Used by Happy)

initialPosn :: SutPosn Source #

Initial position of the scanner

data SutPosn Source #

Source position (Characters before, Row number, Column number)

lexerLoop :: SutMonad [SutToken] Source #

Gets all tokens recursively